Tuesday, July 5, 2016

Romeo and Juliet PBL style

Seth Godin says when assessing an audience or creating a culture, the main question is, "Who are we and what do people like us do?" All 9th grade classes at my school read Romeo and Juliet. Our 9th grade PBL students decided that as Problem Based Learners, they needed to go about their Shakespeare experience in a different way.  Students decided they wanted to perform the play but in a different setting than what Shakespeare ever would have chosen.  After much discussion, the groups decided they would do the play in pantomime format.

While it sounds like it may be easier, every student had to know not only what their lines were, but also how to interact with others based on facial expressions and body language. The miming of the play led to greater knowledge of the intracacies of the play than my standard English 9 classes normally do.

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