Mission statements are stupid because they don't mean anything. Most, if not all, schools have mission statements. A lot of time goes into deciding just the right wording of the all important statement. The mission statement is on every school's website and anyone can see it so it needs to sound good. The funny thing is, after spending all that time on mission statements, the school personnel could just have looked at a mission statement generator to create one which would probably be just as good. A study of mission statements by Steven E. Stemler, Damian Bebell and Lauren Ann Sonnabend shows most school mission statements use terms like "lifelong learner," " individualized," "global citizen," "contributing member of society," etc. Do those sound familiar? They all are good qualities to believe in. Besides, it is difficult to determine if schools even follow the beliefs their mission statements espouse.
The statement could continue with: "We teach our students to," "At Our School students learn to." Following those sentence starters, could be: fit in, follow instructions, don't ask questions, don't say anything that might embarrass you, do the minimum, once you learn a topic-- move on etc.
Dave Burgess @burgessdave has many answers to this question in his fantastic book, Teach Like a Pirate: Increase Student Engagement, Boost Your Creativity, and Transform Your Life as an Educator. Written in a conversational tone, Teach Like a Pirate, emphasizes passion for learning, creativity, contagious enthusiasm, building rapport and detailed preparation and presentation to create unforgettable lessons which will entertain and create an indelible mark on students. The Pirate nature of the book is to seek out and not fear new experiences and new territories. Burgess includes information on specific lessons he teaches and many, many ways to "hook" students.
Another book which could change education is Mark Barnes @markbarnes19 Role Reversal: Achieving Uncommonly Excellent Results in the Student-Centered Classroom. Barnes is similar to Burgess in that he promotes engaging students in an alternative way to the standard lecture & worksheets. Barnes uses a style of teaching he calls, ROLE--Results Only Learning Environment. In a ROLE, there is no homework, no grades, no tests and no rules. He believes in giving continuous feedback to students through blogs, chats, twitter, email and personal communication. Where Burgess and Barnes diverge is that Barnes believes
speaking less, using technology, giving students choice to drive the class much of the time while working on projects of different types. He has kids write blogs, create websites and do year long projects. Barnes also does frequent short workshops to teach specific skills. Barnes' book includes many examples of what he uses to evaluate students. He presents revolutionary ideas using more of a research emphasis.
Whether one chooses to be a Pirate or do a ROLE, or both, these books have a lot to say about the look and feel of the new world of education which is to make learning exciting and memorable through experiences. I guess the new mission statement is you will
Everyone should read all of these books. And add Daniel Pink, Drive to the list.